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We all have people we know who are “addicted” to Social Media. Whether it’s your Mom and her obsession with cat pictures, your younger cousin and her endless selfies, or your boss posting countless articles about why millennials don’t fit into today’s corporate environment, there are plenty of reasons people use Social Media to express themselves. Fortunately, this love for social media has opened up a whole new world for marketers to explore, offering us infinite new ways to interact with, learn from and speak to our customers.

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A look at how the datacard has evolved from being a statistical fact sheet, to a sort of data media kit — and the one change list owners can make to provide a more comprehensive overview of their organization, and the customers that support it.

December 5th, 2014 · List Management

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Publishers are constantly racking their brains on ways to stay relevant in the digital era. Here's one little idea that may have a big impact on subscriber retention.

October 10th, 2014 · Social Media

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You’ll want to bookmark these pages and visit them weekly, if not daily, to help make your graphic designing a little easier and a little cheaper.

August 6th, 2014 · Creative

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Learn how your fundraising efforts can reach new and existing donors for free with this list of resources that won’t cost your nonprofit organization a penny.

June 27th, 2014 · Nonprofit